Saturday, August 02, 2008

Tofino/Ucluelet Adventure!

Last weekend, the hubby & I took off on our very first vacation together! Yes, we have been together for five years, and married for three, but nary a vacation have we been on!


Last weekend the hubby & I were supposed to go camping with his friends. We even booked time off especially for it, but at the last minute his friends all bailed. On Friday night, the hubby phoned me at work, and told me to try and find a place for us to stay in Tofino for the weekend.
So that night I spent the evening frantically phoning around up island to find us a campground, hotel, or b&b. I lucked out & found accomodations for both Saturday & Sunday night at a B&B in Ucluelet, which is about 40km from Tofino.

Saturday morning, we hit the road.

Knitting in hand of course...

Along the way, we found a cool glacier fed river to check out.

The water was so green.

After which we hit the windy road up to Tofino, which was an adventure in and of itself. Especially with Jeffy being so new to driving standard, and our new car (btw. we got a new car, well new to us, a buick 2-door). Luckily, we didn't drive off the edge of the mountainous road, and we arrived safe and sound in Ucluelet.

Our B&B was a beautiful new home in a weird little rainforest. They called it Old Growth, but we knew better. It was pretty though.
That night, we had dinner in town, and then snuggled up to watch a movie (the owners had a good DVD collection to choose from).

The next morning, we went to check out Tofino.

We puttered around, and chatted up some of the locals. Had some wicked chai latte, and checked out the many art galleries and shops.

We ended up having lunch at Sobo's (nothing to do with this photo, this was a carving that I liked), a unique cafeteria style restaurant that started out in a van. Then headed back out of Tofino.

Then we went to Long Beach

A couple of times actually...

We would check out part of it, then get back in the car...

and drive to find more...

and walk through some trails, and down stairs...

and there was more....

It is aptly named.

The evening was capped off with an evening stroll through Ucluelet, some Khalua mudslides, another good movie, and some real stars! Seriously, it puts Victoria night skies to shame.

Because of our evening fun, we slept in on Monday, and had a lazy drive back to Victoria.

with more knitting

and more gorgeous views.

It was a lovely weekend, and two pairs of socks are almost complete now. I just have the toes to do on 2 socks!


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