Saturday, October 11, 2008

I really have been up to stuff...


This vest has taken forever to knit! Ironically, the actual knitting time needed to finish this is very small. I would even classify it as a weekend knitting project for a quick knitter. But it has taken since August to make this sucker. I am still not quite done the finishing.... but who has time? I'm usually stuck under some heavy textbook or other.Maybe I'll get it done for Christmas...


Next we have a simple knit, great for chilling on the couch and watching a show.
It is going to be a Christmas present! Go me!
Can you guess what it will be?


The last one is decieving, thrown in for a little autumn colour. I haven't actually worked on this for a while, but it is a KIP I am doing as a shop sample for the beehive.... What will it be?

Ok enough being mysterious, I really should be studying immunology...

Happy Thanksgiving to all you knitters-and nonknitters alike :-)



  1. Your vest is getting there, looks so nice.
    Hope to see you tomorrow


  2. Hi
    I just hope you are doing better.
