Saturday, February 07, 2009

gifty goodness

I knit this little scarf for a friend's son, whom I love.
He is fast approaching the 8 year mark, and he LOVES HOTWHEELS!


The pattern is my own design, and the yarn is Paton's Canadianna, not a yarn I usually use, but it is 100% acrylic, and 100% 8 year old boy proof :-)


When I showed the hubby, he very much approved of this gift for an 8 year old boy. He was like "that's so cool!!" to which I replied "you can't have it".
It seems that 8 year old boys and 28 year old boys are all the same.


Here are the inside guts of the scarf. They will be covered in polar fleece to make this scarf worthy of Northern Alberta winters, but mostly to hide the guts.


  1. Genius! 28 year old girls totally love it too. :)

  2. It's a beautiful scarf, I really like the design.
    I'm sure he will love it too.


  3. What a great scarf! He's a lucky boy to have you making patterns specially for him.

  4. Could you post once you've got the felt attached! I'm interested to see how this turns out...

  5. Thanks for all the nice comments!
    For Brodie, I'm sorry but I can't post a pic with the fleece as the finished product has been mailed away to it's recipient already. I attached yellow fleece to the back using a sewing machine.
