Friday, June 04, 2010

money can't buy me love?

Sorry John, you forgot about this...

This is Olive. She is our new 8 week old loveable mutt baby.
After almost a month of waiting and wading through the slow adoption process, not to mention about a years worth of pining for doggy love, we have finally welcomed a new puppy into our lives.

We got her through Rest Haven Rescue in Victoria BC. For those of you who are looking for a new bundle of love, she has about 8 brothers and sisters (some of whom are gone now, but I'm sure some are still available). The process is a bit involved, requiring an adoption application with previous pet history, a home visit to assess suitability and a good match, meeting the dog, then filling out the adoption agreement and payment and finally you can take home your bundle of furry love. Although the process can seem tedious, it shows that the wonderful people at Rest Haven really care about the animals they save and want to make sure they are going to the best forever home possible.

Olive is a love bug! She tries really hard to be a good puppy and we've already taught her to come, sit, and lets go (heel). She loves to chew but is learning which toys are acceptable and which are not (to her credit, she's only been with us for 2 days!!). She also has learned to have no separation anxiety. I am using Jan Fennell's book, The dog listener + 30 day guidewhich is amazingly simple, gentle and effective.

And just so Roo doesn't get jealous, yes, we love you too roo!


  1. A PUPPY! How adorable! Let me know how the rest of the book works out. With only two days, it's amazing how well behaved Olive is! I have a friend who's dog barks constantly at the sound of noise. She'll probably appreciate the help of the book.

  2. It certainly seems to be working! Jeff is now teaching her to "stay" according to the book.
    Barking is a topic that Jan Fennell addresses in her book . If your friend lives in town, I would recommend that she tries Bolen Books, that's where I found my copy :-) It's only about $20 so it's not like she's got much to lose!

  3. Sooooo cute! Congratulations for this new addition to your family. She looks so lovely.


  4. Gah!! Puppy!!! Puppypuppypuppy!!!!
